Sunday, May 24, 2009

Guitars,guitars and more guitars

The last couple of years my Dad has been giving me guitar lessons but since it was always getting put off and practice wasn't getting done, my parents paid a professional to give me lessons. I started about 2 months ago and I've really enjoyed it and I've been making progress.
Every Saturday morning I have an hour lesson at this guys house. At first I didn't really want to go but after a couple lessons I started liking it. Since I've started, I've learned 6 songs (four more than I've learned in 2 years!!!). Every day I practice for a half an hour and a couple of weeks ago my Dad said that since I'd been improving he'd let me use this:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My favorite books that I read this year

Here are a few of the best books I've read throughout this year.

(No particular order)

1. Harry Potter and the philospher's stone.

Dad read this to us recently and I loooooved it.

2. Inkspell.

I had read the first book in this series two years ago and my parents gave me this after I lost a tooth. I really liked it.I finished it in 2 weeks(it's a 650 page book!!!)

3.Behind the curtain

This is the second story from a series of 3.It's a great story with a lot of suspence and mystery.

4.Soldier X

At school this year my teacher really got me interested in world war 2 and I read this.It's a story of a German kid who gets sent to war and trades clothes with a dead russian soldier after getting wounded in a battle.


This is a book |I found in a used section in a book store and thoughT it looked interesting and I'm glad I bought it because it turned out to be awesome.